I watch A LOT of horror movies; it’s one of the best parts of my gig. So you can understand that I’ve become a bit jaded, hard to impress, and even harder to scare. But once in a while, a movie will come along that, by some miracle, can get under my skin. That’s the case with director Samuel Bodin’s new horror Cobweb.
In the film, “A mysterious, constant tap plagues, Eight-year-old Peter taps from inside his bedroom wall – a tapping that his parents insist is all in his imagination. As Peter’s fear intensifies, he believes his parents (Lizzy Caplan and Antony Starr) could be hiding a terrible, dangerous secret and questioning their trust. And for a child, what could be more frightening than that?”
The film and the cinematography look absolutely fantastic. The movie has a rich look that plays off shadows and hidden spaces. The special effects, which were surprisingly mostly practical, were really well done, especially when it came’s the monster.
Let’s talk about the cast and characters. The young star Woody Norman plays a sad, isolated, and bullied young boy so well. He left me very impressed. Lizzy Caplan, who never fails to impress, played his mother and gave a fantastic performance that can best be described as creepy as hell. “The Boys” actor Antony Starr plays the role of the abusive father and gives a compelling performance. Now, I was surprised to learn that the “monster” in the movie was actually played by an actress, Ellen Dubin (voiced by Debra Wilson). When you see her in the film, it will surprise you too.
When it comes to the story, the film is well-written, expertly timed, and creepy as shit. There’s just something about horror movies that feature kids, and when you add abuse to the scenario, it really gets under your skin.
I will just put things simply; Cobweb is a great horror film! I highly recommend you watch it. It is now playing in theaters nationwide.
Be sure to check out our interview with Cobweb’s director Samuel Bodin, who put his whole heart into the film.