Original Evil Dead Actress To Appear In Season 2 Of Ash VS Evil Dead

July 25, 2016


Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of HorrorFuel.com. She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email: horrorfuelinfo@gmail.com

Remember Ash’s sister Cheryl from the original Evil Dead movie? Well, we’ll be seeing her again real soon. Executive producer Rob Tapert and Bruce Campbell have both confirmed that Cheryl’s character will be returning for the upcoming season of Ash vs Evil Dead.




What makes the appearance even cooler is that Ellen Sandweiss, who played the original part in the 1981 film, will be playing the part once again. In case you are wondering how that will happen, seeing that the character died in the film at the hands of Ash after turning demon, Campbell has an answer for that.


Well, it’s all street cred,” Campbell said about connecting the series to the films. “It’s like fried pork rinds to the fans. Like, “Ah, that’s Cheryl! Shit! She’s Back! I think it’ll freak them out, and that’s the idea…it’s gonna look really accurate.


Sandweiss is not the only new cast member.  Lee Majors has joined that cast to play the role of Ash’s dead old dad. Ted Raimi has been cast as Chet, Ash’s childhood friend. Law & Order: SVU’s Michelle Hurd will be co-starring as Ash’s high school sweet heart.




In the second season, Ash’s companions and fellow deadite hunters Pablo (Ray Santiago) and Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo) have been kicking back in Jacksonville and return to Ash’s home town of Elk Grove, Michigan. There, he confronts Ruby (Lucy Lawless) who has turned his town into the new nucleus of evil. 



Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 2016


Ash vs Evil Dead will return on STARZ this October with 10-episodes. Check out the first trailer for the new season. But you should know, it was deemed too graphic and bloody to be shown at San Diego Comic Con.


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