Get ready to be terrified and entertained! USA Network has greenlit “Scare Tactics,” a reimagining of the classic hidden-camera prank show. The new series is from the visionary mind of Jordan Peele and his production company, Monkeypaw Productions. This...
Jordan Peele fans, rejoice! The wait for his next film is nearly over. Monkeypaw Productions and Universal Pictures have unveiled the first details surrounding Him, a psychological horror thriller. The first news includes that the film will star comedian and...
Get ready for a heart-pounding journey of retribution with Monkey Man, the directorial debut of Academy Award-nominated actor Dev Patel (Lion, Slumdog Millionaire), produced by Jordan Peele (Get Out, Nope). Patel steps behind the camera and takes center stage as Kid,...
Fans of Jordan Peele’s mind-bending narratives will have to wait a little longer for his next cinematic offering. Initially slated for a Christmas 2024 release, the untitled film from Peele’s Monkeypaw Productions has been pushed back to 2025. From Holiday...
Hold onto your popcorn, horror fans! Jordan Peele’s highly anticipated fourth film has mysteriously disappeared from Universal Pictures’ 2024 release calendar. Originally slated to haunt theaters on Christmas Day, the untitled project has vanished, leaving...