Movie Review: Butt Boy (2019)

Chip Gutchell (played by the film’s writer/director Tyler Cornack), who decidedly isn’t livin’ his best life… hell, he’s barely “livin'” at all; his job sucks, his marriage is the pits, and not even a new role as...

Blu-ray Review: Automation (2019)

Happy Holidays from Alert Insulation, you’re all fired! Now just why is Alert giving everyone their staff the heave-ho? Well, that is all thanks to mega-efficient robot Auto (Jeff J. Knight in the suit with voice by Jim Tasker) who can handle an entire shift...

Movie Review: Candy Corn (2019)

A group of bullying jackanapes decide to spend All Hallows Eve buggin’ the shit out of townie odd-ball Jacob (Nate Chaney)… who just so happens to have found a temp gig as a carney at Dr. Death’s Side Show Spook House Spectacular. Soon the torment goes to...