Imagine if you will, a crowded theater full of young children and their parents, expecting to see a delightful animated movie, but instead several minutes of an intense horror movie is played for all to see.
That’s exactly what happened earlier this week at a theater in Ohio. Instead of ‘Inside Out’, an animated movie about feelings, the group of preschoolers witnessed the trailer for ‘Sinister 2’ followed by the opening scene of ‘Insidious 3’. The children were terrified by what they saw, many of them began crying hyesterically. The parents and chaperons were furious with the theater, and who could blame them. If that happened and I had a four year old, I would be fit to be tied. I imagine the kids are a little traumatized after seeing kids being tied up and murdered on the screen.
The theater’s manager apologized and offered new tickets, but one parent responded “The damage is already done. My children are terrified.” Those poor kids.
This is the ‘Sinister 2’ trailer the children saw.
This is the trailer for ‘Insisdious 3’.