Jon Heder leads a group paranormal investigators in the horror-comedy Ghost Team, directed by Oliver Irving. Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) stars alongside Justin Long (Tusk, Drag Me to Hell), Amy Sedaris (BoJack Horseman), David Krumholtz (This Is the End), Paul W. Downs (Time Traveling Bong), Tom Schiller (Saturday Night Live), Joel Marsh Garland (Orange Is the New Black) and Melonie Diaz (The Belko Experiment).
Determined to catch some ghosts on film, a paranormal-obsessed man mounts his own investigation into the beyond along with his depressed best friend, his misfit nephew, a cable access medium and an overeager security guy by his side.
The film, written by Peter Warren, is produced by Julie Christeas, Schulyer Weiss, and Alex Sagalchik.
Ghost Team will haunt Google Play beginning July 21st and will open in theaters on August 12th from The Orchard. The trailer for this star-studded film has just been released (below) and it looks hilarious.