Back in June, Child’s Play creator Don Mancini, who also wrote and directed most of the franchise, teased the upcoming TV series based on the film featuring Chucky. Mancini recently appeared on the podcast Post Mortem With Mick Garris and revealed a few of the series’ details.
Just from having worked on Hannibal and Channel Zero… I saw an opportunity to reinvent the franchise yet again,” Mancini told Garris, whose own directing credits include Psycho IV and the upcoming horror anthology Nightmare Cinema. “One of the things that has kept the franchise alive and thriving for so long is that we’ve reinvented it in different ways, by making it a comedy, and then back to horror. But the sheer storytelling real estate of doing eight to 10 episodes… will allow us to delve into characters and relationships in a way that we’re never afforded in just a 90-minute movie. That’s really exciting to me. We’re going to be able to explore different avenues with different characters that are among fan favorites. A lot of times people will say, ‘What’s Tiffany’s backstory?’ and ‘What about Glen or Glenda?’ All these different avenues. Now we have a way of exploring all of this, and that’s really exciting.”
Mancini had this to say about working with his fellow writers on the scripts:
One of the things I really loved about working in television was the social aspect of it,” he said. “Because when you write features, it’s so damn lonely and terrifying. When I first came to work on Hannibal, it was my first experience with the writers’ room. I’m like, ‘Wait a minute, every day, we come into a room with a group of other like-minded horror fanatics, and we talk about Hannibal all day, and we get paid for it?’ This didn’t seem like work to me. And so, doing that with Chucky seems really fun, and I am really excited about inviting other very talented writers to come into it, and see what they will bring to it at this stage.”
The new series is said to pick up where the last film, Cult of Chucky, left off, with Chucky in the body of Nica Pierce, played by Fiona Dourif.
Chucky will also be starring in the new reboot of Child’s Play from director Lars Klevberg, which Mancini has no involvement with.