Following the debut of his controversial Netflix comedy special, Matt Rife stars alongside Jamie Kennedy (Scream) in the vampire horror comedy Don’t Suck from director RJ Collins.
In the movie, Jamie Kennedy plays Pete, “a washed-up comedian who must find an opener for his upcoming comedy tour. Pete meets Ethan (Rife), introduced by Ethan’s girlfriend Stephanie (Ellen Hollman), who convinces Pete that Ethan is the one to pick. “Things start to take a wacky turn when Pete finds out Ethan is a Vampire, and their tour goes from cheap motels, morning DJs, dive bars, and dinners to opening up for the Russell Peters special in Vegas. All while Ethan and Pete attempt to bridge the gap between being real and exploiting his vampirism.”
Sink your fangs into Don’t Suck, debuting on Digital and On Demand This Friday (12/1).