New Trailer and Demo For ‘INDIKA’

February 5, 2024

Written by Daniel S. Liuzzi

As part of Steam Next Fest, Odd Meter and 11 Bit Studios released a new trailer for the upcoming mind-bending psychological adventure that will make players question faith and authority, INDIKA. Along with the new trailer comes the opportunity for PC players to experience the demo.

In INDIKA players take on the role of the title character, a young nun, as she undertakes a thought-provoking odyssey that explores the very nature of good versus evil. INDIKA is a third-person adventure game that effectively combines exploration and environmental puzzles, with a hint of platforming. Through its themes of sin, sorrow, and ethical quandaries, INDIKA’s visual style will take on the look of an avant-garde film that aims to question societal conventions rather than merely providing entertainment.

In addition, the setting of 19th-century Russia alongside themes of absolute sorrow, sin, and moral dilemmas plays an integral part in the game’s narrative. The subjects of religion and authority are prevalent throughout Indika’s journey as she faces many tough obstacles that make her question reality and her place in it. It’s because of this theme of religion and authority is why the now-exiled Russian game developer Odd Meter had to flee their homeland to avoid the risk of prosecution along with not supporting the ongoing war Russia is waging in Ukraine.

From today (The 5th of February) to the 12th, INDIKA will have a free demo available on STEAM. The game itself is set to be released sometime this year for PC (Steam, GOG, and Epic), PlayStation 4, and Xbox Series X/S.  When the game is released, some of the revenue made by the game will be donated to help children affected by the war in Ukraine.

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