Acclaimed director Ryan Murphy takes us on a chilling new journey into the darkness with the upcoming season of the Netflix anthology series “Monster.” The third season will focus on the notorious killer Ed Gein, with “Sons of Anarchy” star Charlie Hunnam taking on the unsettling role.
Ed Gein, also known as the “Butcher of Plainfield” and the “Plainfield Ghoul,” remains a chilling figure in American history. His crimes inspired the characters of Norman Bates in Psycho, Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs, Leatherface from Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and countless other fictional villains. Besides killing, he also dug up bodies in the cemetery. He brought the bodies home and used them to create macabre household items such as lampshades, bowls, and a body suit.
The series delves into Gein’s heinous acts and the media frenzy that followed. Hunnam’s transformation into the 1950s-era Gein is eerily accurate and is nearly unrecognizable.
Joining Hunnam is a stellar cast. Laurie Metcalf portrays Gein’s mother, Augusta, a woman who undoubtedly shaped her son’s disturbed mind. Tom Hollander steps into the shoes of legendary director Alfred Hitchcock, while Olivia Williams takes on the role of Hitchcock’s wife, Alma.
With its talented cast and Murphy’s signature dark storytelling, “Monster: Ed Gein” promises to be a must-watch for fans of true crime and psychological thrillers. Expected to debut on Netflix in 2026, the series will spark conversation and leave a lasting impression.