“Supernatural” actor-director Richard Speight Jr. and Casey Dillard star in the supernatural film Driven, which follows a man on a mission to take down the dark entities released by his family’s curse. When a cab driver (Dillard) picks him she has no clue that her passenger, Roger (Speight Jr.), is about to introduce her to a world she had no idea exists.
Driven, directed by Glenn Payne and written by Dillard, sits on the border between a horror film and horror-comedy. While filled with horror elements the interaction between the two characters gets downright funny at times.
Speight Jr. and Dillard work so well together. There’s a contrast between the two characters with Dillard’s being a bit quirky and Speight Jr.’s being intense makes the two a match made in heaven.
Much of the film is set in a car, which was risky, there’s always a huge chance that it could make viewers feel a bit claustrophobic, but director Payne pulls it off with flying colors.
In our interview with Richard Speight Jr. He had this to say about filming in tight quarters:
It wasn’t that hard for me or Casey, I don’t think. The challenge was on Glenn Payne to figure out how to film in that small space and how to get the shots we wanted. They designed it, they wrote it with that in mind. She wrote it with that in mind, knowing that we’d be doing that kind of thing.”
Driven is a fun flick that takes viewers on a supernatural journey. It’s well written and nicely done. While it’s true that the film is about a man’s mission to rid the world of demonic entities it’s also about two people struggling in life that find each other in the midst of chaos.
Driven gets a 5 out 5 from me. Check it out. It’s out on Digital, On Demand, and on DVD on June 16th.