Pulp Fiction stars Uma Thurman and Samuel L. Jackson, reunite for the “darkly comic” thriller The Kill Room, from director Nicol Paone (Friendsgiving) and writer Jonathan Jacobson, THR has announced.
“The story follows a hitman, his boss (Jackson), an art dealer (Thurman), and a money-laundering scheme that accidentally turns the assassin into an overnight, avant-garde, sensation, one that forces her to play the art world against the underworld.”
“Getting to make The Kill Room — an already incredible script — with Uma Thurman and Samuel L. Jackson, is beyond my wildest dreams,” said Paone. “Every moment they’re on screen, they are both enviable and eye-catching. I am eternally grateful to both of them for saying yes, and I am thrilled to bring this to life alongside Anne Clements and Yale Productions.”