Well Go USA introduces viewers to a post-apocalyptic world in the trailer for the award-winning film Beyond the Wasteland (formerly titled M). In a world ravaged by a deadly virus, two young boys go on a journey through a shattered world. Overtaken by the infected and...
Untold Games, a name synonymous with innovative titles, is stepping into the desolate landscape of the post-apocalypse with their upcoming project, City 20. This isn’t your typical survival sim. City 20 promises a deep, systemic experience where your choices...
Next up on the Netflix “must-see” K-horror list is the horror film Badland Hunters, the latest action film from South Korean auteur Heo Myung-haeng. The film throws audiences headfirst into a world shattered by an earthquake, where a huntsman named Nam-san...
Gravitas Ventures, an Anthem Sports & Entertainment Company, has just announced the release date for the indie, post-apocalyptic thriller Stronghold, written and directed by Julia Camara. Stronghold is a dystopian tale of resilience in which a young...
Red Water Entertainment has just announced the North American VOD debut of Carlo Lavagna’s Shadows, the Irish-Italian psychological thriller that marks the second feature from director Carlo Lavagna. The film, written by Fabio Mollo, Damiano Bruè,...