Ahead of its FrightFest debut, Erik Bloomquist’s (Ten Minutes to Midnight, Long Lost) 80’s style summer camp horror, She Came from the Woods, has been acquired by Blue Finch Films, according to Deadline. The film follows “a group of counselors who...
Each summer, Arrow Video FrightFest brings a drool-inducing array of chillers and thrillers to London. This year’s lineup is absolutely mammoth! Whether you are a slasher supporter, a monster maniac, or a connoisseur of the supernatural, the festival has something for...
The U.K.’s Arrow Video FrightFest is one of our absolute favorite fear-fare film festivals here at Horror Fuel, and we are pleased to share the poster reveal for this year’s edition. We also can’t wait to tell you about their lineup, which will be...
Some Like It Rare French horror comedy Some Like It Rare (Barbaque; 2021) finds that bickering, sexless married couple true-crime-addict Sophie (Marina Foïs) and couch-potato Vincent (writer/director Fabrice Eboué) Pascal have fallen on hard times with their butcher...
FrightFest has announced its lineup for the FrightFest Glasgow 2022 edition, with 12 incredible slices of fright-fare and dark comedies on tap. Whether you are in the mood for monsters, mayhem, or mirth, this can’t-miss film festival has something to appease all...