Halloween‘s Scout Taylor Compton stars in the thriller A Stalker in the House, the story of a young woman who, upon matching with him on an online dating service, is stalked by an admirer. Directed by Jared Cohn (Bruce Willis’ Deadlock),...
A man’s past comes back to haunt him in the trailer for the action-thriller An Intrusion, from director Nicholas Holland. The film follows a family patriarch who is terrorized by a malicious stalker; he fears the attacks may be related to...
Today, we’ve got a sneak peek of writer-director Thomas Walton‘s upcoming indie horror Room 9 Part 2: They Turned Us Into Killers to share with our readers. The sequel to this year’s Room 9 stars Scout Taylor-Compton, Lauren Francesca, and Brian...
Liongate’s NEW horror film, Room 9 starring horror icons Kane Hodder (Friday the 13th franchise), Michael Berryman (Hills Have Eyes), and Scout Taylor-Compton (Rob Zombie’s Halloween) comes out this July, but you can pre-order your copy...
Lionsgate’s Room 9, starring Scout Taylor-Compton (Rob Zombie’s Halloween and Halloween II), Michael Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes, The Evil Within), and Kane Hodder (Friday the 13th Parts 7-10) is headed your way this July. ...