Adam Green. director of ‘Digging Up the Marrow’ and the ‘Hatchet’ franchise, has released his 17th annual Halloween short film through his company ArieScope Pictures. The film, titled ‘Monster Problems’ stars ‘Friday the 13th’ actor Derek Mears, Kelly Vrooman (The Chica Show) and ‘The Guild’s’ Jeff Lewis.
‘Monster Problems’ shows that the life of a monster isn’t as easy as you would think. A little boy is terrified when three monsters invade his room one night, but the monsters are having some problems getting it together.
Green made the statement on his blog :
“So 12 people, 1 dog, a lot of hard work, a ton of hours, and A Lot of late nights later…the 17th annual Halloween short film has crossed the finish line and “Monster Problems” has taken its place in the long legacy of ArieScope’s fun yearly tradition. Hopefully our efforts made you smile and added some joy to your Halloween.”