Milton Vedic Pictures in association with Bare Foot Girl Productions presents Baby Frankenstein, the tale of a young man and his unlikely friendship with a self-aware, pint-sized automaton that he fights to protect in the new trailer.
Monster Squad actor Andre Gower stars alongside Eileen Rosen(Blue Valentine), Patrick McCartney (Elf), Mason Carver (Outpost Earth), Ian Barling, T. J. Rotell, and Rance Nix as Baby Frankenstein.
In the film, directed by Jon Yonkondy and written by Mike Rutoski, M. Vedic, and Jon Yonkondy, a listless young man decides to protect his discovery of a lifetime from his mother’s demented boyfriend, he must decide how far he will go to save this ‘little dude’ from capture.
Follow the film on Facebook and visit the official website for more.
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