In this cinematic landscape where entire franchises are outlined before their first film releases, the mere announcement of a sequel is far from a guarantee that sequel will be made. Stephen Lang, however, is pretty damn confident a second Don’t Breathe film is coming. In an interview with Screen Rant, Lang was about as clear as possible stating, “Oh yeah, we’re doing a sequel.” Well damn, that sure was easy.
Lang played the old blind man in Don’t Breathe to genuine, terrifying perfection in what was one of 2016’s best horror films (which also include 2016’s grossest use of a turkey baster). This won’t just be a second helping of the same old stuff either, if producer Sam Raimi is telling the truth, stating way back in November of 2016 “It’s only the greatest idea for a sequel I’ve ever heard. I’m not kidding.”
We haven’t actually seen any plot details for Don’t Breathe 2 but the first film did confirm the old blind man survived his fall down the stairs. Will he seek vengeance on Roxy, the previous film’s sole surviving protagonist? Well right now, no-one knows. , Still, it’s always nice to hear the projects still in the works. And I’d take a wait for a sequel to a good franchise any day over yearly installments of a bad one.