Dale Midkiff Talks ‘Pet Semetary’, ‘Hell’s Kitty’, And Cows In An Interview

March 19, 2018

Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of HorrorFuel.com. She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email: horrorfuelinfo@gmail.com

When I got the opportunity to interview Dale Midkiff, I jumped at the chance. I’ll be honest I may have even had a “fangirl” moment while talking with Dale, the star of one of my favorite classic horror films, Pet Sematary. While he was amazing the film, he’s also had so many roles in a lot of great films and series, including “The Magnificant Seven” series, The Crow: Salvation, Deep Rescue, Flight of the Living Dead, “Dexter”, and most recently Hell’s Kitty.
Hell’s Kitty is a cameo-filled horror comedy from writer-director Nicholas Tana about a man and his possessed cat Angel.
The cast of Hell’s Kitty sounds like a who’s who of horror with cameos from Midkiff, Doug Jones (The Shape of Water), Michael Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes), Courtney Gains (Children of the Corn), John Franklin (Children of the Corn), Kelli Maroney (Night of the Comet), and Lynn Lowry (The Crazies).

Horror Fuel: “You were amazing in ‘Pet Sematary’. Your character was so intense and went through so many emotions. Where did you did you pull from to bring that performance?”
Dale Midkiff: “I was young, angry. I’m not sure where it came from. It just came out, it had to come it. I can’t explain it any better than that.”
Horror Fuel: “Where ever it came from, I’m just glad that it did.”

Horror Fuel: “How did ‘Pet Sematary’ affect your life?”
Dale Midkiff: “With my career, it launched me quite a bit. As for my life, I was single at the time so it didn’t really affect my life.”

Horror Fuel: “I have to ask, is there any chance we’ll see you in the ‘Pet Sematary’ remake?
Dale Midkiff: “I doubt it. I haven’t heard anything. I didn’t know they were even doing one.”
Horror Fuel: “Yeah, I’m not sure where I stand. I believe that great films should be left alone.”
Dale Midkiff: “Maybe it’ll be good, you never know.”
Horror Fuel: “You faced Church in ‘Pet Sematary’, but recently you appeared in a film with a possessed cat, ‘Hell’s Kitty’. Tell us about it?”
Dale Midkiff: “My role was Rosemary Carrie. The song and dance we did was an homage to ‘Rocky Horror’. I remember that the guy who danced with me and lip-synced was a very kind person, that I remember. I was getting my makeup put on and he could tell that I was uncomfortable. I haven’t dressed as a woman since I was thirteen. He just talked to me and calmed me down a bit. We went up the roof to rehearse the whole dance sequence and told them, ‘Guys, I’m not a dancer. Let’s leave the dancing to the professionals. The man was a professional drag performer. I told them to let the professional do the dance steps and I’d just vamp. I’ll be the tramp who vamps.’
Horror Fuel: “What have you been working on?”
Dale Midkiff: “I did a movie called ’21 Outs’. I think the premiere is in April. It’s a true story about a team in Texas and a coach who had twenty-six winning seasons. The final season he took his little team to the state championships. It’s one of the David and Goliath stories.

Dale Midkiff: “Now, I’m taking a little break. Right now I’m on my sister’s Dairy Farm.”
Horror Fuel: “I grew up next to one.”
Dale Midkiff: “I’m looking at cows right now.”
Horror Fuel: Have you milked a cow yet?”
Dale Midkiff: “They have milking machines.”
Horror Fuel: “No fair. You gotta get out there and get your hands dirty.”
Dale Midkiff: “I mainly take care of the calves and stuff.”
Horror Fuel: “Awww.”
Dale Midkiff: “I needed a vacation. You have to remember, I’ve been acting for thirty-five years.”
Horror Fuel: “There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Dale Midkiff: Remeber I told you that I hadn’t dressed as a woman? Here’s that story. I was 13 and dressed for Halloween as a woman. I used balloons as breasts. We were having a great time soaping cars, that’s what you did back then. And I was soaping this car and this guy was in the back seat waiting for me. He jumped out, tackled me in the street, my balloons burst, my knees were bleeding, and he drags me back to the car and makes me wash off the soap. That’s probably why it was my last time dressed as a woman. It was a bad experience [laughter].”
Horror Fuel: ” [laughter]. I would have liked to have seen that.”
Horror Fuel: “You’ve appeared in so many shows and films, but is there a role that you would love to play? What were your favorites?”
Dale Midkiff: “Elvis obviously. I really enjoyed my role on ‘Magnificant Seven’ as Buck. I got to be a cowboy for a couple of years.”
Horror Fuel: “Elvis will always be The King. I’m a big fan.”
Dale Midkiff: “I’m gonna tell you, right before we started shooting [Elvis and Me], I spent the weekend at Graceland. It was a lot of fun. I got to hang out in the place while no one was there. On the final day, I went up to his bedroom and office. I don’t think I moved for twenty minutes.”
Horror Fuel: “That must have been amazing. I’ve always wanted to go.”
Horror Fuel: “Would you ever consider being in another Stephen King adaptation?”
Dale Midkiff: “Oh, yeah. I’ve done my horror films, but sure, I guess. I wouldn’t turn him down.”
Horror Fuel: “You were in ‘The Crow: Salvation’ right? How do you feel about the original getting a remake?”
Dale Midkiff: “It doesn’t bother me at all, not a bit.”
Be sure to look for Dale Midkiff in Hell’s Kitty now out on VOD and arriving on DVD on March 27, 2018. For a list of all of Midkiff’s roles please visit his IMDb page. 21 Outs will be out later this year.

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