Sarah’s livin’ high off the spaghett in the land of it’s birth…namely good ol’ Italy. Things are all wine n’ roses until our comely heroine learns she has inherited a rural villa…you know, the kind that any sane person would say “This shit is haunted, yo”…at least they should if they’ve ever laid putrid peepers on a fright flick that is. Anyway, Sarah and her friends move in, find a ouija board, then immediately put it back where they found it, and leave. Yeah right, these dipshits use that board and unleash unholy hell…as is always the way.
Let’s chit chat about what works in Ouija Seance: The Final Game. Firstly, the film looks good; the Italian locales offer a unique touch, and the supernatural set dressing (the distinctive look of the titular board, ancient texts, is suitably creepy. Additionally, the film skillfully presents the supernatural goings-on with plenty of arcane atmospherics…it’s just that the proceedings seem awfully familiar, which brings us to…
This thing plays out like a supernatural flick greatest hits package. Just look at what we get: pretty, bickering, “twenty somethings” heading to a remote dwelling, an old man playing doomsayer, a cursed ouija baord, a dark family secret, having to face your darkest parts of your soul…yup, they are all present and accounted for with very, very little deviance from the tried and true formula. Is this a bad thing? Well, it can act as a sort of fright flick comfort food I suppose; it’s like a horror biz Big Mac, you crave that familiar taste, it satisfies you for a short time, then you forget about it and your on to the next thing.
Too technically and aesthetically competent to be considered a failure, and too familiar to be considered a must see, Ouija Seance: The Final Game just kind of is. It’s a decent enough way to spend a rainy afternoon, but I think it’s safe to assume it has no chance of being in heavy rotation on your viscous viewing list either.
Two Women Make a Terrifying Discovery in ‘The Buildout’ Trailer
The Buildout, a harrowing festival favorite, arrives on VOD this February. This hypnotic character piece has...