Movie Review Inhumanity (2018)

August 27, 2018

Written by DanXIII

Daniel XIII; the result of an arcane ritual involving a King Diamond album, a box of Count Chocula, and a copy of Swank magazine, is a screenwriter, director, producer, actor, artist, and reviewer of fright flicks…Who hates ya baby?

Jessa Dixon (Darcel Danielle) is one lucky dame; just as she is about to be offed by serial psycho Six Pack Sam (played by Leviticus Wolfe, who’s beard I am still trying to figure out was real or not…these are the deep thoughts I ponder late at night in the crypt boils n’ ghouls) mysterious government agents storm the scene and take the murderer away for some shadowy reason (it is mentioned that his blood is special and can be used to test a new drug, but a lot of the particulars remain murky). Anyway, Jessa recovers from her ordeal and discovers her lawman pappy committed suicide while she was in the hospital. She buys that roughly zero percent, so she teams up with wise ass detective Sergio (Ford Austin) to solve what she perceives as her father’s murder. Will Jessa fall down the rabbit hole and be swallowed by the deepening mystery that surrounds her, or will she prevail and crack the case wide open….either way there’s going to be mucho violence baby!
Joe McReynolds (who wrote and directed) has done quite a bit with Inhumanity, his sophomore motion picture. The neo-noir plot involving secret government agendas, grizzled detectives, and serial killers is a fantastically pulpy endeavor, and the sharp dialog definitely brings to mind the work of Tarantino (with a lil’ sprinkle of the Coen Brothers on the tippy top). Also the constant twists (and the changes in direction they bring), violence, and fast camera work create a deliciously dizzying and frenetic effect that makes the film have a breathless energy that is infinitely watchable, even when some of the plots introduced aren’t resolved and the editing can get a bit on the spotty side…but those are minor quibbles in the overall scheme of things.
Bottom line, Inhumanity is one mother fucker of a motion picture; it’s full of killers, shadowy plots, and over-the-top violence and shouldn’t be missed by fans of Tarantino and Rodriguez, or lovers of pulp crime and comic book style plotting!


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