Michael Biehn (The Terminator, Aliens) leads an electric cast in the unnerving new thriller Red Handed from writer-director Frank Peluso.
When their father is murdered, three brothers descend upon an Oregon mountain river to spread his ashes. After they arrive, one of their children goes missing. One of the brothers was himself abducted 30 years ago when they visited this same river, but he has blocked the incident out of his mind. Only by unlocking the mysteries inside his subconscious, will they be able to find the child and return him to safety.
Produced by Nick Cassavetes and Aaron Steele-Nicholson, Red Handed premiered at SPIFFest in Los Angeles last month.
Christian Madsen, Owen Burke, Ryan Carnes, Kenzie Dalton and Michael Madsen co-star in Red Handed out on DVD and Digital December 3rd, from High Octane Pictures.