Terrifying Movies To Watch With Your Girlfriend

September 1, 2020

Written by Ella Rebecca Horton

Ella Rebecca has been in love with the horror genre since an early age. The Bride of Frankenstein began her love of the classics and she's been writing and collecting since.

Many guys believe that girls are tender and sensitive creatures, so they don’t like films that
demonstrate violence, blood, and mystic things that make you have a terrible cold feeling in your stomach. However, there is a category of ladies who will share a movie night with you only under one condition – you will watch some terrifying movies. Some women like to rattle their nerves, especially being in the company of a man. As a rule, horror movies don’t get film awards, but they can boast of an army of fans. People enjoy watching thrill moments that are happening on the screen, sitting safely at home. So, if your girlfriend adores such films, you can offer her, “ Do my math homework for me in exchange for a terrifying movie.”


The Devil’s Backbone (2001)
It was directed by a Spanish screenwriter known for fantasy and horror movies. The director had
the opportunity to create this genre of films before. Thus, The Devil’s Backbone has already
become the third full-length movie in his filmography. Ordinary spectators and critics liked the
film a lot. The action of the film happens during the Spanish Civil War. The main protagonist, a
teenager Carlos, ends up in an orphanage, where he resists the rowdy and assists the ghost of
a guy named Santi, who disappeared during the bombing. And if you are bombarded with
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The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)
If you want to create a terrifying film, then you should take a true story. The reality can be much
more horrible than even the wildest fantasy. As you can guess, the plot was based on the real
story. The priest was accused of the death of the woman after he had carried out an exorcism
ritual. The film wasn’t directed in one genre, so it combines the elements of the horror and court
drama movies. Critics like the picture, but it was a great success with viewers. To direct a
horror movie is not the same as to write essays for money. Thus, the results of the box office
were about 8 times bigger than the production budget itself.


Silent Hill (2006)
It is impossible to make a list of terrifying movies and forget about the movie, directed by
Christophe Hahn. It was his fourth feature picture in his career. Critics made a lot of negative
comments on Silent Hill, while viewers, on the contrary, were more supportive and gave positive
feedback. The plot will tell you about the journey of a woman to the mysterious town of the
same name. She did not know about the existence of this settlement until her adopted daughter
got sick and started repeating its name in a dream. Arriving at the place, the woman faced
terrible monsters. And if you don’t want to have nightmares because of unaccomplished
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The Omen (2006)

Talking about terrifying movies, one cannot but mention The Omen. If you cannot imagine a
movie that can gross about $ 70 million with a budget of about $ 3 million, you should watch this
movie. Well, both critics and viewers were not that much delighted, but it might have happened
because they didn’t know about essay writing service online. It is a story about the American
diplomat, who adopted the kid of a stranger after his son died during childbirth. With age, the
boy starts demonstrating frightening abilities, and the man realizes that he is raising the Beast.

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