This February, discover the horrifying backstory of a killer in The Legend of Fall Creek, the sequel to 2016’s Bloody Bobby.
“On a chilly Halloween night in 1988, Fall Creek Valley turned upside down when Robert “Bobby” Maxwell disappeared from a party. On the 20 Year Anniversary, Bloody Boby seeks revenge on his tormentors who sealed his fate with a blood pact.”
Curt Clendenin, David J. Uchansky, Jessica Morris, Robert Miano, Silvia Spros, Madison Geller, Ryan R. Mcgonagle, Maxie Solters, Christy Keller, Julia Mack, Tommy Nash, Alton Clemente, and Christopher DeMaci star in the Anthony Hall (Mud Season) film.
Discover The Legend of Fall Creek on DVD and Digital February 9, 2021, from Uncork’d Entertainment.