Frank Grillo, known for his roles in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and The Purge franchise, is set to lead the cast of The Movie Partenship’s upcoming horror-thriller, The Resurrection of Charles Manson.
The film, which also stars Jaime King (My Bloody Valentine) and Sarah Dumont (The Accursed), is directed by Remmy Grillo, the son of Frank Grillo, who is making his feature directorial debut.
In The Resurrection of Charles Manson, “While a couple creates an audition tape for an up-and-coming Charles Manson film, the dark events of the audition material slowly slip into their reality as they find themselves intertwined in an occult leader’s sinister plot.”
The Resurrection of Charles Manson premieres on iTunes, Prime Video, Google, Virgin, and Sky Store on May 29, 2023, from Voltage Pictures.