“Supernatural” star Mark Sheppard, known for his role as Crowley, the King of Hell on the long-running series, is currently in the hospital recovering from not one but six massive heart attacks Saturday (12/2).
Sheppard took to Instagram to announce his situation to fans of the long-running series, saying, “not going to believe this! Was on my way to an appointment yesterday when I collapsed in my kitchen. Six massive heart attacks later, and being brought back from dead 4 times I apparently had a 100 blockage in my LAD.” He referred to it as a “widowmaker.”
Sheppard praised his wife and Providence, California’s St. Joseph hospital staff. He said that he wouldn’t have survived if it hadn’t been for them. And it’s a miracle he did, but I guess he’s used to witnessing miracles after eight years on “Supernatural.” The actor seems in good spirits and is doing well.
Since “Supernatural’s” end, Sheppard has appeared on “Walker: Independence” and Max’s now-canceled series “Doom Patrol.”