Prepare to be transported to a medieval world of terror as Asylum presents the supernatural horror film Witch Hunter. This thrilling, action-packed film centers on a brave witch hunter and his fearless warrior band as they confront a terrifying threat to their...
Doug Bradley Has such sights to show you. The actor, known for his role as Pinhead in the Hellraiser franchise, which Clive Baker began in 1987. While Bradley exited the franchise in 2011, he still is and always will be Pinhead in the eyes of his fans. Bradley...
Terror Films Releasing has just announced the release of writer/director Dean Jacobs’ low-budget horror film, The Trip, a terrifying tale of friendship, farmhouse frights, and mind-altering substances. When four childhood friends reunite for a weekend getaway at...
Pinhead and the cenobites are back for a new reboot of Hellraiser, coming to Hulu just in time for Halloween. Being described as a “reimagining of Clive Barker’s 1987 horror classic,” the movie comes from writer-producer David S. Goyer who was behind The Dark...
The horror anthology The United States of Horror: Chapter One, the first of a trilogy, is a collection of horrifying tales from each state, has now made its extra-bloody debut on Vimeo and On Demand. Narrated by horror icon Doug Bradley,...