‘Kong: Skull Island‘, set to be released on March 10, 2017, will be the first film in a trilogy featuring Kong and Godzilla. The film, directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, follows a man (Hiddleston) who travels to a legendary island in search for his brother who was stranded, while in search of a serum that is believed to be a cure all for any illness or disease. During the search the team must face the creatures on the island, including Kong, King of the Apes and dinosaurs, long thought to be extinct.
‘Skull Island’ will be followed by the release of ‘Godzilla 2’, which will be released on June 8, 2018. ‘Godzilla 2’ will feature the Monarch organization, from the 2014 film. In 2021, in the final film of the trilogy, we will see Godzilla and Kong go head to head. The new shared universe will also feature Godzilla’s classic enemies Mothra and Rodan, among others.
Kevin Tsujihara, the CEO of Warner Bros. made the statement “Working with our partners at Legendary, we enjoyed tremendous creative and commercial success with ‘Godzilla’. It’s great to be able to revisit these characters and help create a franchise with so many creative possibilities for filmmakers. Fans love these big, globally iconic films and it doesn’t get any bigger than this.”