Prepare to be consumed by darkness. Co-directors Matt Devino and David Michael Yohe have announced the world premiere of their horror film, THE DÆMON, at FrightFest. This Lovecraftian slow-burn delves into the depths of the human psyche. A family grapples with...
The mind-bending horror thriller Strange Darling is a cinematic rollercoaster, and it is gearing up to make its world premiere this August at FrightFest. This chilling tale unfolds as a seemingly innocent one-night stand turns terrifyingly into a deadly game of cat...
Pigeon Shrine FrightFest 2024 is already renowned for being the U.K.’s top horror film festival, but the fest’s programmers have outdone themselves for this 25th edition. From the creepy to the comical, the festival has fear-fare fans of all stripes...
London’s Pigeon Shrine FrightFest, the U.K.’s premiere horror and genre-film festival, celebrates its 25th anniversary this year from August 22-26, moving to the ODEON Luxe Leicester Square, and today revealing its fantastic poster for this year. Following is the...
THE FUNERAL (CENAZE; Turkey, 2023) Hearse driver Cemal (Ahmed Rifat Sunger) takes a job of which he is leary from the start: driving away with the body of a murdered young woman named Zeynep (Cansu Türedi) and hiding away with the corpse for a month until her family...