by DanXIII | Nov 15, 2018 | Indie, Movies, Reviews
Anthony Peterson (Ron Thompson) is in a bit of a fuckin’ pickle. See, ol’ Tony-baloney has got his ass kidnapped and locked inside a cargo container located in parts unknown, with only his cellphone to keep him company. Good thing he has that device, as...
by Kelli Marchman McNeely | Mar 30, 2018 | Movie News, Trailers
Following his role in the IFC festival hit Ghost Stories, Martin Freeman plays a father desperate to find a home for his child during the zombie apocalypse in Cargo. The trailer has just arrived and it is a lot more brutal and gore-filled than the short...
by Kelli Marchman McNeely | Feb 10, 2017 | Movie News
Netflix has snagged the world rights to the zombie film ‘Cargo’ after only seeing a three-minute promo. Written and co-directed by Yolanda Remke and Ben Howling, ‘Cargo’ is currently in post-production. The 2013 short film that...