Game Review: ‘Visage’

SadSquare Studio was awesome enough to let me experience the long-awaited spiritual successor to P.T. that had fans of the playable teaser excited, I’m talking about Visage. I got the game on Halloween but unfortunately, I have had issues with it at first but I simply...

Voice Actress Laura Bailey Threatened By Fans

Last of Us Part II Spoilers Ahead   Laura Bailey has quite the extensive resume of voice acting jobs she’s had dating as far back as 1999 ranging from popular Anime dubs to video games but it’s her latest role that has her in the spotlight for all the wrong...

The Best Horror Themed Slots

You can’t beat that tense feeling of a horror movie; the shift in background music that alerts you to imminent evil and the cliché storylines. If you love a good horror movie, then you’ll probably appreciate games with horror themes too, such as fun...