by Capt McNeely | Jun 12, 2020 | Gaming, News, Trailers
Cold Symmetry and Playstack have debuted the latest trailer for their upcoming souls-like game Mortal Shell that shows what players more of the kinds of enemies they will encounter as well as some of the kind of ass-kicking they will also be able to do as well! ...
by Capt McNeely | May 28, 2020 | Gaming, Indie, News, Product, Trailers
Souls fans will be happy to hear that the first set of gameplay footage for Cold Symmetry and Playstack’s souls-like game Mortal Shell will be on its way very soon as it will make its presence felt at the upcoming gaming festivals! With...
by Capt McNeely | Apr 6, 2020 | Gaming, Indie, News, Product, Trailers
The 15-man team made up of AAA gaming veterans make up Cold Symmetry, and to make their mark on the gaming world they wasted no time and went right for the throat with their upcoming Souls-like flagship game, Mortal Shell. Souls games are a...