Hellbent Pictures LLC presents ‘Abruptio’, a thriller, that follows Les Hackel, a man with a bomb implanted in his neck. Les must carry out horrible acts while he tries to discover who or what is pulling his strings.
This is not your average horror movie. All the characters are played by life like puppets. The voice over sessions for the film have begun. The voices of two of the puppets are by ‘The Devil’s Rejects’ actor Sid Haig and James Marsters, who played the role of Spike on ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’. Christopher McDonald who starred in movies such as ‘The Collection’ ‘Requiem for a Dream’ and ‘Happy Gilmore’. ‘Abruptio’ is the brain child of Evan Marlowe, who also brought us the films ’50 Kisses’ and ‘Blood Rush’. This unusual film will be out sometime in early 2017.