Man VS Monsters’ Series Puts Contestants Face To Face With Iconic Monsters

April 29, 2016

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG


Man VS Monsters,  a unprecedented reality competition where contestants have to go face to face with the original icons of horror, monsters (from fantasy to science fiction). LA Vida Loca Productions released an app projecting season one of this reality competition on a brand new 1.0 app. Using the app you’ll be able to take advantage of an interactive game space where you can chose-your-own adventure. Man VS Monsters is the first of its kind to be streamed exclusively on all mobile device platforms.

During the game unlock secret screens hidden within the app where you can then receive horror trivia comp codes to claim free prizes and merchandise during social media giveaways.

Future versions of the app will feature full episodes of the series on-demand and available to stream, MVM based games, a dedicated chat room for fans and a voting system which fans can use to select who they want to see next go head to head with the beast.

Download the app now on iTunes!



For more info visit


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