The Italian action-thriller ‘Dark Blue’ has released its first trailer, via Permanent Memories Productions. Written and directed by Michael Segal, this indie film looks more like a big-budget studio movie.
‘Dark Blue’ centers on divers who discover the wreckage of a ship, the Miorgaroso, that sank in the Mediterranean Seas in the 1930’s on a journey to deliver precious cargo to the Vatican. The men attempt to recover it, but some things belong to the sea. They have no idea that the ship is guarded by a mythical creature.
The film stars Michael Segal as Mike, a fearless man with twisted sense of humor, Roberto D’Antona as the cautious character Kevin and Flavia Sabatino as Kevin’s wife Lisa. David White co-stars as Hooper, who knows more than he lets on.
Segal makes his directorial debut ‘Dark Blue’. Award-winning documentary director Simone Moddugno lends his expertise and serves as camera operator on the surface, underwater and as drone pilot. Filmed at the site of the sunken ship at Isola D’Elba, ‘Dark Blue’ presents an interesting story with fantastic cinematography. We can expect to see the release of ‘Deep Blue’ some time next year. Follow the film on Facebook for regular updates and more.