I know this is a sensitive subject for Walking Dead fans, but at some point, rather it be in three seasons or thirty, the series will end. There are many ways it could wrap, but recently at Walker Stalker Con Michael Rooker, who played Daryl’s one armed brother Merle, told the crowd how he think it should end.
Rooker believes that Rick’s son Carl, you know, the one with one eye and can’t seem to follow orders, should be the last man standing when the end comes.
A railroad track…going on forever, into the setting sun. From behind camera, a single individual walks down the middle of the track…into the setting son. You realize that individual is Carl…all grown up, a man of his own. No one else is with him – just him. And as he does his voiceover, you realize that all the seasons that you’ve seen him reliving his past. So everyone on the show is dead. He’s the only survivor, and he’s on his own and walks off into the sunset. And that’s the end of the show. “
It is an interesting scenario, but odds are that that won’t be the way things end. In fact, all signs are pointing to Carl (Chandler Riggs) leaving the show soon. The truth is, only one person on earth knows how the series will end, and that is Robert Kirkman. In fact, he already has a plan. He has also stated that one main character won’t make it and that he will not reveal his until the last minute, even to AMC and the series’ writers.
The second half of the season will premiere this February, with the group trying to join with the Hilltop and The Kingdom for an all-out war with Negan and The Saviors (read more HERE).