Devil’s Domain, the social media-centered horror film written and directed by Jared Cohn (The Horde, Wishing for a Dream) comes to DVD and Blu-Ray courtesy of Cleopatra Entertainment on Tuesday, July 11.
Starring Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs, Species), Linda Bella (Monsters in the Woods), and Madi Vodane, Devil’s Domain tells the harrowing tale of Lisa (Vodane), a victim of cyber-bullying who, fed up with her tormentors, strikes a deal with with the Devil. The situation escalates as quickly as the film’s body count, with the fate of the entire world resting upon the deal the Devil has made with young Lisa. According to writer/director Jared Cohn, the film “is a story about the ramifications of social media, cyber-bullying and how it affects the youth of today.”
Aside from a solid cast and premise that hits close to home with today’s youth, Devil’s Domain features a first-rate soundtrack including the likes of Iggy Pop, Onyx, DMX, and others. As the film’s tagline states, “Never Meet a Stranger Online.”
Available on DVD and Blu-Ray July 11, 2017. Purchase online from MVD Shop or Amazon.
Watch the official trailer for Devil’s Domain below:
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