Though not the xenomorphs created by legendary artist H.R. Giger and made famous by director Ridley Scott, Uncork’d Entertainment’s Alien: Reign of Man will bring us face-to-face with a new breed of hostile space-creeps. Alien: Reign of Man spins the tale of some sort of team working to activate some sort of machine to save Earth, while stranded on some planet, battling the titular aliens. From what I’ve seen in the trailer, the film appears to be an indie mockbuster somewhere in between Alien: Covenant and Interstellar. Directed by Justin Price (Dark Moon Rising), and starring Deanna Grace Congo, Torrei Hart, Khu, and Cameron White, the low-budget sci-fi horror comes to VOD August 1, with a DVD release slated for November 14, 2017.
Though I’ve yet to see the film, I’m highly skeptical of its quality. Judge for yourself by watching the official trailer of Alien: Reign of Man below.
‘The Crow’ Has Now Landed on Home Release
After delays and controversies, Rupert Sanders' (Snow White and the Huntsman) new reimagining of The Crow has just...