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Movie Review: Paranormal Farm 3 Halloween (2019)

December 13, 2019

Written by DanXIII

Daniel XIII; the result of an arcane ritual involving a King Diamond album, a box of Count Chocula, and a copy of Swank magazine, is a screenwriter, director, producer, actor, artist, and reviewer of fright flicks…Who hates ya baby?

Our dude Carl (writer/director Carl Medland) is headin’ back to the freaky farm that made him famous, and things aren’t lookin’ good regarding his personal safety!

Following the events of the first two Paranormal Farm flicks (which I reviewed here and here) the aforementioned Carl is called back to Darren (Darren Earl Williams) and Lucy’s (Lucy French) remote farm, only to discover that things are becoming more violent thanks to the strange forces at play on that desolate land… and because he didn’t learn anything from his previous experiences, he dives balls deep right into the gaping maw of pure terror… or he decides to look around the farm with a flashlight searching for arcane energy… whichever reads better.

Anyway, the investigation continues and our heroes must deal with malicious mannequins, the occasional putrefied rat, debates about wardrobe continuity, and even more whack-o visitors to the farm. Will Carl make it through the ghoulish goings-on unscathed… and more importantly will he ever get a new sweater?

Now you may ask, how in the hell does this mother fucker bring anything new to the table for a third outing to this well explored location and theme? Well, let me tell ya! Medland has developed a great mythology where the story can expand, but still give us what we’ve come to love from the series; namely lovable characters, meta situations, and a few genuine thrills n’ chills along the way… and that is what sets this franchise (severed) heads and shoulders above nearly every other found footage fracas out there; you actually love spending time with these characters!

Carl is ever the affable and often hapless hero, and the camaraderie he shares with his beleaguered comrade Taz (Mumtaz Yildirimlar) is endless fun to experience… as before these are extremely likable dudes in over their heads, but they continue to press on, and Carl attempts to make us believe he has the outre skills to handle the supernatural shenanigans at hand.

As for their hosts, Darren and Lucy continue their trend of being true salt-of-the-Earth types, ever bemused by their documentarians, and always displaying the sense that they are fucking with the city boys gone country (though to what extent is the eternal mystery here).

Paranormal Farm 3 Halloween is another pure gold entry in the best thing to happen to found footage fright flicks in years! Medland and company are creating something unique and fun and it really shouldn’t be missed by all you cats n’ creeps out there, ya dig?



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