The next installment of the Evil Dead franchise is headed your way. Directed by Lee Cronin (The Hole in the Ground), however, the sequel will not star Bruce Campbell or be set in the infamous cabin, word is, it will be set in a high rise.
“I’m confident I’m going to do something that’s both familiar and refreshing. I’m gonna deliver a rollercoaster of horror,” Lee Cronin recently told BD’s The Boo Crew Podcast. “That’s what the goal is here. Relentless. Not stopping to explain too much. It needs to be extremely visceral, highly entertaining, properly scary. To push boundaries, that’s important as well.”
Talking with earlier this week, Bruce Campbell who is producing the film gave more details, revealing that Evil Dead Rise, will feature a female heroine like the 2013 movie.
What we’re doing now is we’re saying, ‘Look, this is another Evil Dead movie and that book gets around, a lot of people run into it and it’s another story.’ The main key with Evil Dead is they’re just regular people who are battling what seems to be a very unstoppable evil, and so that’s where the horror comes from,” Campbell stated. “It’s not someone who’s skilled. They’re not fighting a soldier. They’re not fighting a scientist. They’re not fighting anybody more than your average neighbor. This one is going to be a similar thing.” He went on to say, “We’re going to have a heroine, a woman in charge, and she’s going to try and save her family.”
According to Campbell “We’re honing-in, circling the building now trying to lock in a partner. We have a couple of bidders and we’re trying to just find the correct suitor and we have a script written and a director picked. And it’s got a very good modern tale. It’s a modern-day urban Evil Dead. And we’re hoping to do that next year.”
We will keep you posted as new details emerge.