Robert Eggers, the brilliant filmmaker behind The Witch and The Lighthouse is back with his next film, the revenge thriller The Northman. Today, we’ve got the release date for the highly anticipated film set in Iceland at the turn of the 10th century that centers on the Nordic prince Amleth who sets out on a mission of revenge after his father is murdered.
The all-star cast for the film includes Alexander Skarsgård who stars as Amleth, Bill Skarsgård, Anya Taylor Joy, Ethan Hawke, Björk, Nicole Kidman, and Willem Defoe who also stars in Eggers’ The Lighthouse (pictured).
Eggers directed and co-wrote the film along with Icelandic novelist and poet Sjón. Lars Knudsen, Mark Huffman, and New Regency produce.
The Northman will arrive in international theaters on April 8, 2022, from Universal Pictures. It is a co-production of Focus Features and New Regency.
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