The sequel to last year’s hit indie horror anthology, 10/31, is on its way and we’ve got not only the new poster for 10/31 Part II but the new trailer as well.
10/31 Part II taps the best from the indie film world and brings them all together to make one terrifying Halloween-themed film starring Jennifer Nangle, Anastasia Elfman, David E. McMahon, Tim Robinson, Rhema Srihartiti, and London Grace. The directors of the five segments include Drew Marvick, Tory Van Buskirk, Stephen Wolfe, Max Groah, and Jennifer Nangle.
As a huge fan of horror growing up, especially anthologies like Creepshow and Tales From the Crypt, I was thrilled to be able to work with a group of such talented writers, directors and actors to make our own anthology film come to life”, says producer Rocky Gray.