Prepare for a thrilling and horrifying experience as Mister Sleep starts a new horror franchise this April. Written and directed by the dynamic duo of Amy Bailey and Rob Hollocks, Mister Sleep marks their third feature film as a producing team and Hollocks’ second directorial venture. The film, shot entirely in Augusta, Georgia, is poised to become the first installment in a potential franchise.
A Story of Revenge and Redemption
The narrative centers around a deranged killer who, after surviving a near-death experience, embarks on a relentless quest for revenge. He targets a group of insomnia patients participating in a new drug trial, believing they hold the key to his stolen memories. As the killer unleashes his fury, a terrifying and bloody encounter ensues. Felicia Payne and Glenn Howard, two of the patients, find themselves at the center of the chaos.
A Blend of Thrills and Character Depth
Mister Sleep promises to deliver the graphic thrills expected from the slasher genre while simultaneously offering strong and memorable characters who find themselves locked in a desperate struggle for survival against a formidable foe. The film draws inspiration from iconic horror classics like Halloween and Friday the 13th while carving its unique path with a captivating story and visually stunning style.
The Team Behind the Terror
Mister Sleep is a product of the collaborative efforts of seasoned filmmakers. Amy Bailey, founder of Augusta-based Beyond Casual Media, brings her expertise in creating powerful and engaging stories to the project. Rob Hollocks, boasting experience working on major films like Saving Private Ryan and Indiana Jones, lends his directing talents to the film.
A Promising Future for the Franchise
Both Bailey and Hollocks express their enthusiasm for Mister Sleep. Highlighting its potential to resonate with horror fans and a broader audience. They envision the film not only as a thrilling standalone experience but also as the foundation for a successful franchise.
With its unique premise, talented team, and commitment to both thrilling visuals and compelling storytelling, Mister Sleep is poised to become a significant addition to the slasher genre. Mister Sleep conjures nightmares when it lands on streaming services from Gravitas Ventures on April 2, 2024. Pre-order your copy now.