Charlie Hunnam, best known for “Sons of Anarchy,” will portray the infamous killer Ed Gein in season three of Netflix’s Emmy-winning true-crime anthology series “Monster.” Co-creator Ryan Murphy shared the news of Humman’s casting during an event for the second season, “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story.”
Gein became notorious in the 1950s. Not only was he a killer, but he also dug up bodies in the cemetery. He brought the bodies home and used them to create macabre household items such as lampshades, bowls, and a body suit. Gein’s crimes had a significant impact on pop culture. He inspired characters like Norman Bates in Psycho, Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs, and Leatherface.
The first season of “Monster” was a major hit. It delved into the story of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, played by Evan Peters. Season two will explore the case of the Menendez brothers. The brothers became infamous after they murdered their parents.
The premiere date for season three, featuring Charlie Hunnam (King Arthur, Lost City of Z), has yet to be announced. But we will keep you posted. Watch the trailer for “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story.” The second season premieres on September 19 on Netflix.