Get ready to sink your teeth into the horror comedy The Radleys, which is out now. Watch as an ordinary suburban family fights to keep their dark secret hidden: they are vampires. This fun film, filled with sharp wit and sharper fangs, is directed by Euros Lyn, known...
Terror Films has teamed again with Hell House LLC producer Joe Bandelli to release his horror comedy, Another Cabin In The Woods Movie. In this tongue-in-cheek spoof starring Nicole Pacent, Clea Alsip, and Duane Cooper, a wedding party full of horror-savvy characters...
Actor-writer-director Bron Theron‘s paranormal, comedy-laced horror film Half Dead Fred is now free to watch following its release in 2023. In Half Dead Fred, “a mysterious murder occurs in Flint, Michigan, and Medium detective Freddy Nash is on the case. Years ago,...
Mary Dauterman’s acclaimed indie feature debut, the movie Booger, is set to gross out audiences everywhere. The film blends body horror with dark comedy. It’s a horror comedy you don’t want to miss, and luckily, you don’t have to wait long to...
Shaun of the Dead star Nick Frost is back with Get Away. Get Away is described as a comedic slasher and follows a family on a vacation that has gone horribly wrong. The family soon discovers that they are sharing their much-needed island vacation spot with a deadly...