Conor McMahon, the director of the horror movie ‘Stiches’, comes a new tale of terror, titled ‘From The Dark’. This vampire movie stars Stephen Cromwell (The Sea), Niamh Alger (North Circular), Ged Murray (35 Up) and ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest’ actor Gary O’Brian.
“A Sinister being has awakened from a thousand year sleep and it has set it’s sights on the stranded young couple. Deep within the dark bog, the two are faced with an unimaginable evil, but they soon realize that there may be one thing that can stop the creature: light. As the sun sets and light sources dwindle, the creature becomes more powerful, and Sarah and Mark find themselves in a fight for their lives where a gas lamp or just the illumination of a single match may be the only ting that can save them.”
‘From The Dark’ is now available on DVD, Blu-Ray and VOD and Digital Download from Dark Sky Films.