‘Abomination’ A Twisted Tale Of Murder And Mystery

May 19, 2015

Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of HorrorFuel.com. She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email: horrorfuelinfo@gmail.com

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A young woman is found, unconscious, in the street. The woman she claims to be was brutally murdered two weeks prior. Rachel (Tippy Dos Santos) flees the psychiatric hospital intent on proving who she is and finding out about the mystery surrounding her supposed murder.

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Yam Laranas (The Road) is serving as director for ‘Abomination’, which was written by Gin De Mesa, Oscar Fogelstrom and Paolo Vacirca. David Bianco (Sabine), Justine Pena (The Last Day) and Alexia Fernadez serve as cast for this horror-thriller.

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‘Abomination’ will be out later this year.


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