According To An Original Cast Member A Series Reboot Of Charmed Is Coming

March 7, 2016

Written by Kelli Marchman McNeely

Kelli Marchman McNeely is the owner of She is an Executive Producer of "13 Slays Till Christmas" which is out on Digital and DVD and now streaming on Tubi. She has several other films in the works. Kelli is an animal lover and a true horror addict since the age of 9 when she saw Friday the 13th. Email:

With Hollywood’s obsession with remakes and reboots on the big screen, it’s no surprise that the trend of rehashing fan favorites is now moving to television. One of the most popular TV series in the horror genre from 1998-2006 was the bewitching tale of three sisters, all witches. If you guessed that I’m talking about Charmed, you’d be right. Since 2013 a remake of the show has been in the works, but with little mention of it the news had been forgotten by most, until now.

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An update came recently from Alyssa Milano, one of the original cast members. Milano not only revealed that the reboot of Charmed is now in development over at CBS, but that the original cast would not be returning. She also seems to imply that if CBS decided to do a reunion show she and others from the series would be interested.


“Charmed fans! Nothing has been confirmed. CBS is developing a reboot without the original cast. That’s all I know for sure.” She continued. “With all the reunion shows it seems like #Charmed would be a great choice since we have the most loyal and best fans ever But…” The third tweet went on  to say, “I would imagine until CBS makes a decision on their reboot a true reunion type of show will not be happening due to CBS owning the rights.”

Fans took to twitter responding that it’s not truly Charmed unless the original cast were in. The original cast, Shannon Doherty, Rose McGowen, Holly Marie Combs, Brian Krause  and Milano are all either currently involved in other projects or are dealing with person issues, like Doherty’s current battle with cancer. Ultimately, it’s all up to CBS.

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