Director Roxy Shih’s post-apocalyptic thriller The Tribe will make its debut at the Cannes Market. Written by Ian Paxton and Chris Manask, the film stars Jessica Rothe, Michael Nardelli, Anne Winters, and Penny Dreadful’s Cokey Falkow. The first trailer has now arrived.
After a global pandemic few survivors remain. On a remote ranch three sisters are surviving the waistland, thanks to the lessons their father taught them. When a group of strangers stumble upon their ranch the sisters must fight to survive. In a world where the lines between friend and foe are blurred the women must find a way to figure out who they can trust, even inside their own family.
The Tribe will soon begin showing at film festivals, including Cannes. It will debut at the Nice International Film Festival in France where it is already up for seven awards.