Pull up a seat for Dinner with the Alchemist, the supernatural drama based on the true events surrounding a series of murders in turn-of-the-century New Orleans.
Starring Dan Istrate as Jacques St. Germaine, the wealthy Alchemist (Alias, 96 Souls, Drakul), Dionne Audain as voodoo priestess Marie Laveu ( I Love Dick, Lemon, How To Get Away With Murder ), and Megan Graves as Mary, the orphan (House of Cards, All Our Yesterdays: Past Is Prologue, Chris and Carol), and with an original musical score by composer John Pscitello (Becoming Bond, The Short Game, Unseen Enemy ), Dinner with the Alchemist weaves a tale filled with “historical facts and imaginative storytelling into a salacious, mysterious supernatural drama of murder and mayhem in the French Quarter.”
The film hails from the husband and wife team of Kevin Good (director) and Jenna St. John’s (writer/producer/actress) and is set to be released on Video On Demand and Digital on February 13, 2018.